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Gallbladder stones

2 min read

Mar 18



So, it's now medically confirmed that I have gallstones. In January I was taken to the hospital because of the intense pain in the upper stomach area which was also spreading to the back. It was getting very bad with the constant vomiting and cramps. There was no idea what was going on but I had no fear, the only thing I could think of was just this pain to end, no matter what. After few hours in a hospital and several medications the pain started to fade and I was back at home with a little after shock - this pain started so suddenly, what was that? I have never been in a hospital since the age 4 and now this. So I was referred to the ultrasound for further check which later confirmed the gallstones. At least it's known now, bad news are better than not knowing anything so I'm kind of relieved. But what now? As I've done some research and also following the doctor's advice - I have to keep the healthy diet - that means drinking lots of water, eat fruits, veggies and less processed foods.

Plus daily workout could also improve the gallbladder's health. I have actually always followed healthy diet, doing workout 4 times a week, and about alcohol - maybe once in 4 to 6 months, not smoking but still I got them. So what I'm doing now is just to eat even more healthy and try to facilitate at least 1 hour walks into the daily regimen additionally to the current workout schedule. In this case it's good, I don't mind to follow even more healthy plan than it already was. And I have to say - I do feel even better! There would probably be more posts about this journey in the future because it's all still very fresh and I'm discovering more information about it.

2 min read

Mar 18



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